Our Mission

Immerse Life is a brand name of Utmost Edge NZ Limited that envisions to lead a team of advisers who are faith driven, clientele-centered, financially blessed, with a business that empowers lives.

Our philosophy is grounded on the biblical foundation that defines our vision, mission and core values.

Immerse Life - Guide to Building Family Legacy of Wealth
Immerse Life - Guide to Building Family Legacy of Wealth

We are relentlessly inspired to serve and work based on Romans 12:7-8.

“If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.”

We embrace the five gifts of the above verses – serving, teaching, encouraging, giving, leading and showing kindness – these are the core values of our business. We are passionate about helping families, individuals, small businesses and faith communities to be smart with their finances, live generously, work confidently and enjoy life today.

I am a Financial Adviser (FSP 522506), and I am giving advice on behalf of UTMOST EDGE NZ LIMITED, trading as Immerse Life. Equally important is our business partners and insurance providers who have excelled in their respective fields. The centre of our development would be our clientele’s success.


A business that empowers lives through faith- driven service, clientele-centered, financially blessed and enriching relationships.


  • Committed serving our clientele’s best interest
  • Trustworthy and diligent advisory services
  • Building good and enriching relationships with clients, and other stakeholders
  • Growing a sustainable business based on biblical principles and financial stewardship

Our Core Values


Our service starts from the heart. Loving others unconditionally compels us to seize the opportunities to serve by facilitating financial awareness that will help bring protection, financial contentment and savings.


We facilitate a positive and friendly discussion on matters important to our clients.


We encourage strategic planning, positive action, support and enriching relationship and enjoying the blessings of life.


We received generous blessings and therefore we instill on people to be generous givers in their families, churches, and communities.


We lead to inspire ethical, accountable, and diligent behaviours to achieve sustainable financial stewardship.

Showing Kindness

Our Christian ethos moves us with compassion, respect, and generosity. We listen, understand, empathise and respond.


Do I need Life Insurance?

If you have commitments like rent or a mortgage, hire purchase payments, credit cards, utility bills and mouths to feed, then life insurance makes a great deal of sense. It’s designed to give you peace of mind – knowing that if the worst happened to you, your family will have help to cope financially. Having Life Insurance is also a way of good stewardship. Protecting what is important to you especially your love ones is a legacy of being a good provider.

Is Life Insurance Biblical?

There are no specific biblical scriptures on life insurance in the bible. However, there are several scriptures that clearly express the principles on it. For example in Timothy 5:8 says ‘anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.’

In the strongest terms, Paul emphasized the responsibility of a man to provide for his family – to do all he could to support them. We may add that Jesus Christ himself gave an example of providing for one’s own, when He provided a home for His mother with the beloved disciple. This is why when someone is out of work, we can pray with such confidence, knowing it is God’s will for them to provide for the needs of their family through work.”

Risk Insurance now are expensive, most people can’t afford it, which is one are the most important?

Generally, the cost of risk insurances varies depending of the needs of the clients. It would not be feasible to take all forms of insurances and neglect what is important for you. It is wise to ascertain a personal budget for this purpose. Our adviser will conduct a fact find whether that budget you set aside could buy an ample cover for yourself and family. Basically, we encourage a comprehensive advice. We would suggest that our clients are fully covered. In case, limited advice was chosen, some information was not disclosed you could leave your self exposed to the potential dangers of inappropriate or inadequate cover. I would suggest to conduct a personal risk analysis arrive at a more accurate information on your needs.

Are There Any Cheaper Forms of Risk Insurance?

If you are looking to save money on your insurance, there are certain more specific and less costly options available to you. For example, if you cannot afford a comprehensive protection policy, you can choose a limited cover. You can also increase the waiting period or waiver of premium in order to reduce your monthly premium. Financial Advisers will guide you how to reduce the cost of your premium. In some instances, there are discounts offered by the insurance provider on some of their products.

Does ACC covers medical conditions that are covered with Health Insurance?

The public health system of New Zealand provides quality emergency care and treatment for serious medical conditions. However, the health care costs continue to put pressure on the public system. For example there are patients that are diagnose and treated on non-urgent medical conditions, including those with a significant impact on lifestyle such as sinus complications, cardiac conditions, and hernia repair would be also significant. In most cases, availability to treatment is limited and public patients. There are qualifications for treatment before joining the queue.


ACC is not a substitute for private health insurance. ACC is an accident insurance scheme that all New Zealanders have access to. The role of ACC is to provide treatment and rehabilitation services for anyone who suffers an injury as a result of an accident. It does not cover you for anything that ACC does not deem to be an accident. If your claim is declined by ACC, you can be assured benefits from health insurance.

Do I really Need Health Insurance? Are there options to Health Insurance?

It will really depend on your priority in life. If you believe that planning for your family health care is important then you should need some form of health insurance.

Did you know that?

1 in 3 couples in their thirties with a young child will claim on their policy in any given year. 50-59 years of age can claim more than twice as much as 30 – 39 years of age. $1,014 million in the 12 months to June 2015 the health insurance industry paid out $1,014 million in private medical claims.


Meet The Team

Dennis Pimentel

Dennis Pimentel

Founder, Managing Director

Maria Pimentel

Maria Pimentel

Director, Administrative and Finance