Trauma Insurance

What is Trauma Insurance?

It’s unfortunately common to face a trauma such as a serious illness or injury at least once in your life. Trauma insurance is designed to pay you a lump sum of money to manage the financial impact if you or one of your children were to face one of these events.

Immerse Life - Trauma Insurance

Why do I need it?

We often experience financial hardship as a result of a serious illness or injury to ourselves or a family member. Having trauma insurance can provide much-needed financial support to cover whatever you need, like taking care of medical treatment and rehabilitation costs, or simply allowing you financial breathing space to enable you or your family members to recover and be together, instead of at work.

Key Features

  • Covers you for over 50 defined medical conditions
  • Offers protection if you suffer a major medical condition that isn’t listed in the policy wording, but meets our definition of a ‘severe illness or injury’
  • Includes some built-in trauma insurance for your children, and is available standalone for children from 2 years old, to support your family should your child face a serious illness or injury
  • At claim time we’ll take into account the latest recognized medical diagnostic techniques used to assess your covered medical conditions

What’s included with our trauma insurance

Enhancement Pass Back Benefit

This is our commitment to you to keep our insurance relevant. Changes we make to our products in the future are automatically passed back to you, offering you even more at claim time.

Medical Advancements Provision

If the medical diagnostic techniques and investigations used in our definitions of medical conditions have been superseded due to medical advancements, we will consider these when assessing your claim.

Severe Illness or Injury Benefit

This benefit aims to offer protection if you suffer a major medical condition that isn’t specified in the policy wording, but meets our definition of a severe illness or injury.

Children’s Trauma Benefit

This benefit provides you with some trauma insurance for your children. If a child of the life assured suffers a covered condition, this benefit will pay 50% of the sum assured (up to $50,000). Importantly, the payment of this will not reduce the amount of any trauma insurance remaining for the life assured.

The Children’s Trauma Benefit

Payable once per child across all Insurers policies. A 14 day survival period applies. Exclusions apply for any congenital or pre-existing conditions.

Suspension of Premium Benefit

Enables you to suspend your trauma insurance should you go on parental leave or on leave without pay for any reason, for up to 12 months. You cannot claim during this time or in the future for any health related conditions that occur during this suspension period.

Newborn Children’s Benefit If a child of a life assured is born with one of five specified congenital conditions and survives for thirty days after birth, this benefit will pay 50% of the sum assured (up to $50,000). The payment of this benefit will not reduce the amount of any trauma insurance remaining for the life assured.

Please note that insurer will pay one claim per child under either the Newborn Children’s Benefit or the Children’s Trauma Benefit across all insurers policies. The Newborn Children’s Benefit is payable once per child across all policies. A 12 month stand down period applies.

Financial and Legal Advice Benefit

This enables you at claim time to access financial and legal advice from the insurer approved financial adviser or legal professional. The insurer will reimburse you for fees up to $2,500 (incl. GST). This is a one-off payment across all insurer policies for each life assured.

Return Home Benefit

If you’re outside New Zealand and suffer one of the critical conditions for the first time, you could access up to $10,000 towards the cost for you and a support person to return home.

Trauma Insurance OVERVIEW

New Zealanders are increasingly surviving illnesses that previously have been terminal, so we have two trauma insurance options ensuring you have access to relevant cover. Critical Conditions is our traditional option where you receive a one-off payment, and then your cover ends unless you have selected the option to reinstate at the time you take out your policy. Progressive Care covers a wider range of conditions and the payment amount is linked to the severity of the diagnosis, allowing you to make multiple claims. Depending on your situation it can be powerful to have both types of trauma insurance to make sure you’re supported when and where it’s needed most. Progressive Care can cover less severe claims, and then you’re supported with both when you face something big and you need the increased financial support

Immerse Life - Trauma Insurance

Did you know that?

OVER 2,900 New Zealand men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year.

57% of New Zealanders would experience some financial hardship if the first income earner suffers a long-term illness.